Parabens, Shmarabens, And What is a Phthalate Anyway?
The array of skincare ingredients to avoid can de dizzying. Like most people, I became interested in skin because I had a personal need to fill and became educated as a result. As a rule, [...]
Can You Get Fit Without Ever Leaving Your House? Yes!
It’s that time of year again. The time we reassess our goals, our dreams, our plans and decide once again, who we really want to be or what goals we want to achieve. Let’s [...]
Generation Mindful Services
Imagine spraying the air, a pillow, or your skin with the dew drops of a blended scent of the aromatic plants most soothing to your nature and inviting to your [...]
Generation Mindful Personal Blend Services
The subtle differences that exist within each of us is a doorway to our heart. For example, whether you are more of a morning person who loves the smell of [...]